Entrematic Launches Redesigned Serco Website

Responsive design incorporates intuitive features to optimize customer interaction on virtually any device

Entrematic Loading Dock Products today announced the launch of a newly redesigned and intuitive Serco brand website, www.sercoentrematic.com. The new Serco website features a variety of additions and improvements that will both educate visitors and help them choose the precise loading dock equipment and warehouse solutions they need for their specific business applications.

SercoWeb_screenshot“The site has a fresh, new look and a responsive design that enables the website to adapt itself to fit the device being used providing visitors an optimal viewing experience,” said Michael Brittingham, Manager, Marketing Services. “Visitors will also see an expanded Products section. In addition to the core Serco dock levelers, vehicle restraints and dock seals & dock shelters, this section also includes HVLS fans, modular dock bridges, integrated control panels, a range of impactable dock doors, as well as dock and yard management software. All combined, the new site provides a single-source, complete solution approach for virtually anyone’s dock and related equipment needs.”

Brittingham added further, “Our new Serco-In-Person page highlights Entrematic’s commitment to connecting with potential customers by providing them a hands-on opportunity to interact with Serco products and personnel. The company’s special customer education program provides three unique experiences that include: Entrematic Academy, for those potential customers who can visit Entrematic’s Loading Dock Products head office in Texas; the Entrematic Mobile Academy, which travels thousands of miles each year to drive solutions directly to customers’ doorsteps; and through highly personalized Onsite Consultations with a Serco Application Specialist.”

The new Serco website also features a section dedicated to the Industries in which Serco equipment is typically used: Food & Beverage, Cold Storage, Industrial Operations, High Volume Distribution and Light Warehousing. A new Challenges section outlines common obstacles that many operations face and the products that help overcome them. In addition, a page dedicated to Architects & Contractors provides a direct link to the Serco CSPECS custom submittal package resource and highlights various continuing education programs, including AIA-CES.

About Serco

The Serco brand has been a leader in the industry for more than five decades, known for its durable and reliable loading dock equipment with a focus on hydraulic dock levelers, safety products and programmable control systems. Today you’ll find a variety of Serco loading dock products to tackle challenges, such as energy efficiency, cold storage and industrial operations. Entrematic offers a comprehensive range of products for industrial, commercial, institutional and residential applications, including sectional doors, loading dock equipment, high-performance doors, residential garage doors, pedestrian door automation and openers. Built on nearly 200 years of accumulated expertise, Entrematic is the preferred partner of distributors and the number one choice of end user customers, providing innovative products, technical expertise and a portfolio of industry-leading brands including Amarr, Kelley, Serco, Dynaco and Ditec.